Squirrels and chainsaws are not usually a happy pairing. Oftentimes someone takes a chainsaw to a tree, and a squirrel is left homeless or worse - a nesting family is dislodged, a mother squirrel displaced or injured and likewise, the babies injured or killed.
So this happy story, about a carver in the UK, a chainsaw-wielding maestro, if you will, is a heartening bit of reality from the Hereford Times:
I like the fact that Harry Thomas can whip out his chainsaw and have squirrels appear, instead of disappear. And I like the fact that he creates his squirrel sculptures out of wood (hopefully not displacing any squirrels who lived in the redwood trees from which he gets his raw material.)
Red squirrels carved out of redwood? It seems a natural pairing. Squirrels are arboreal, after all.
Now here in the States, maybe someone can follow Thomas' example and carve pine squirrels out of trees from the pine forest and black squirrels perhaps from the wood of the black maple.
Ah, but the real challenge is this: What do you create a chipmunk from? WOOD CHIPS??
So this happy story, about a carver in the UK, a chainsaw-wielding maestro, if you will, is a heartening bit of reality from the Hereford Times:
I like the fact that Harry Thomas can whip out his chainsaw and have squirrels appear, instead of disappear. And I like the fact that he creates his squirrel sculptures out of wood (hopefully not displacing any squirrels who lived in the redwood trees from which he gets his raw material.)
Red squirrels carved out of redwood? It seems a natural pairing. Squirrels are arboreal, after all.
Now here in the States, maybe someone can follow Thomas' example and carve pine squirrels out of trees from the pine forest and black squirrels perhaps from the wood of the black maple.
Ah, but the real challenge is this: What do you create a chipmunk from? WOOD CHIPS??
I have to tell you how much I enjoyed reading so many of your 'squirrel posts' just now! You were featured on the BLOGGER page which is how I found you! As you can tell from some of my blog posts, I'm also a squirrel lover :) Have a wonderful day!...Donna
I think your squirrel blog is awesome.
I've always been fond of the furry things. They've always seemed to be around where I've lived for some reason.
I live in the US though, so we only have the gray squirrels, not the red ones.
I had someone tell me that someone brought a gray squirrel over to the UK and it started populating and now the red squirrel populations have diminished over the years.
It could be true, or they could have been trying to pull some English wool over my eyes to make their red squirrels sound like martyrs! Please, they aren't suffering...there's plenty for them to eat over there.
:) gb
I laughed out loud at the end of this! This is a great blog, thanks for sharing!
Donna, Gwen and birdgirl, thanks for stopping by. It is a pleasure to be in the company of such friends of these little critters.
I've transferred the ownership of "appliedrocks" to some other account. Exams are at the doors. Getting busy with studies. Will be back soon.
www.indiaexplora.blogspot.com -
here you'll find me.
I LOVE ANIMALS!! Your posts are very interesting. That is ONE CUTE SQUIRREL!!!!!!!! Rock On.....:)
Hey thanks....glad you are enjoying the blog and the photos. Squirrels are definitely an inspiration, don't you think?
I Love your squirrel blog, it's sweet
Thank you for your unique blog!
Thanks so much for yr kind comment on my blog- u made my day! We have lots of amazing native furries in Oz & I have seen the quokkas u mentioned.
Yr blog is amazing, & I will enjoy readin it some more. I love the squirrels, & I think yr good mate's lucky, as i always longed to visit England since Enid Blyton books!
Good luck to you & yr precious ones.
Thanks so much for yr kind comment on my blog- u made my day! We have lots of amazing native furries in Oz & I have seen the quokkas u mentioned.
Yr blog is amazing, & I will enjoy readin it some more. I love the squirrels, & I think yr good mate's lucky, as i always longed to visit England since Enid Blyton books!
Good luck to you & yr precious ones.
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