What is this ambitious little saleswoman selling? HERSELF and her need for some of the best nuts on the market.

We're talking 100 percent success here - sitting on the doorknob until the humans inside realize you can run but you cannot hide, not from the very revealing full glass panel of a back door. There is no escaping the steely gaze of the determined saleswoman who also makes it known she is a single mom supporting a family (when she sits up, you can see she is also still a nursing mother). And notice, if you will, the members of her sales team very visible and present in the background.
Would you buy a used car from this squirrel?
Sorry, there is a sucker born every minute (as W.C. Fields would say) - and sucker would be me, reaching for my wallet (or for another 5-lb. bag of nuts to open)

Ooo. I think I shall be coming round for my handout.
We have been noticing that one of our squirrels will jump up onto the new doorknob, (which is the lever type) and he/she seems to give it a tug. I do believe she is trying to open the door! (It's gotta be a SHE. She is so smart)
LGS, I have a special 5 pound bag of the best hazelnuts reserved with your name on it!
LOL I love Squirrels. So cute, but cheeky and cunning. They are not a pest.
Hardly a pest, in fact I cannot imagine my days without them. I have a feeling you feel the same way!!
This is a cool idea for a blog. all squirrel news all the time. Excellent.
hey thanks! actually yes that was the concept behind the blog....squirrel news network!
I have a question- how did you put clocks on your blog? I want to put a clock and a ticker on my blog but I don't know how! Please help!
I love squirrels! They are really awesome! one almost let me touch it but my friends pulled me away!
Squirrels truly are awesome, and what has always stopped me in my tracks is the way they approach us with curiosity and sometimes even with trust. Some will let you touch them, some won't. I don't know that I would encouraging touching them....even if they don't mean to bite you, if they do (even by accident) it hurts.
As to clocks, this is an easy thing really. Do a "GOOGLE" search using the keywords CLOCK WIDGET BLOG....and you will see a whole bunch of sites pop up with options for you to create the clock you want. Then the code will be displayed on the screen, just copy and paste it on your blog or web site and you should be in business! Let me know how it goes.
awww cute! I can't believe it came up that close!!
This is halarious, and here I only thought of squirrels as the things that run around and hide in our campus garbage cans and freak us out as they jump out when we throw stuff in.
That is hilarious, maybe if you don't make eye contact she'll go away...
Ah but you see, I want her to stay! She has won the battle of the effective sales pitch!
I have really enjoyed reading through your blog about squirrels. We welcome them to our garden so if you have time, stop by and see The Gardener Side Squirrels
Oh she is so beautiful! We don't have squirrels in Australia unfortunately but my brotehr lives in America near a town full of white squirrels. They're so gorgeous - thank you for sharing your photos:) Vanessa xx
Oh, what a cutie!
We had pet squirrels when I was growing up - 3 different ones at different times. They were babes who had fallen when branches fell. Anyway, they were hilarious pets who loved to hide in our shoes and crawl up our pants legs and hang out in pockets. My husband keeps saying I was raised by squirrels. However, I do not squeak.
Ooo. I think I shall be coming round for my handout.
I would buy a used car from that little mama any day :)
She really *IS* a little honey even if she is a bit, uh, pushy. Yes I think I'd be standing right behind you in the auto showroom too, eating out of her hand!
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