From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, comes this lovely essay written for the newspaper's blog, about the horrors of being a motorist who cannot stop in time to save a life. I encourage everyone to read it for its beauty and compassion.
I have written the author privately to thank her for expressing the experience so well.
02 April 2008
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It is very much worth the dirty looks, and I do this sort of thing every day. Not just a polite honk either but a real all-out blast of the horn to shock them back to reality.
I worry constantly and, sorry to say, sometimes I have even stopped for bits of debris in the road thinking they were one of my friends....only to find out it was corrugated cardboard!
OK, as long as we are trading embarrassing stories, I may as well fess up. I am not a big fan of the American 4th of July, it is a noisy holiday, upsets animals and is a good excuse for people to get drunk and blow off their body parts with firecrackers. That said, I will relate this tale of a few years ago, when I was convinced for some reason that someone was going to do harm to squirrels on July 4. Don't ask me why I got that idea in my head but I did. And so sure enough, on that day, as I was walking along the edge of our property, I saw a white plastic bag, somewhat opaque but rather suspicious. On closer examination it revealed what I feared - something inside that was badly bloodied, something horrible, oozing and loose and obviously upsetting. I began to cry, I ran back to the house and told Rod about it and he became enraged that anyone would do this. I said to him, please we must give this animal a decent burial and he agreed. I asked him to fetch the bag, I couldn't bear it, just didn't want to deal with it anymore. He carried the bag into the main part of the yard, and began to dig a nice hole. He then said "I just want to see him before we bury him," and I said, "well go ahead but I have to turn my back, I don't think I could stand to see this." I stood there weeping, my teeth clenched, my back to him as he opened the bag. "OH MY GOD," he shouted, "OH MY GOD." And I screamed - "WHAT???" (even though I did not want to know) And he replied, "Someone was positively SAVAGE to this CAN OF SPAGHETTI!" And I said - "What the ----- !"
It was someone's unfinished lunch!!! (The thought of canned spaghetti is, in itself, pretty gross, but at least it was not the horrific thing I had imagined and feared.)
Yes I think the process of our mutual senility has already begun....with me.
Yes, it was a very touching essay. Thank you for pointing it out.
Does honking the horn work to scare them out of the way? I wasn't aware of that.
Your spaghetti story is priceless. You had me quite scared until you declared that it was pasta.
Yes, and I must say, it was the scariest serving of pasta I had ever laid eyes on!
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