And now, time for some carols: "Joy to the Skwerl." "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire." "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claws." And, of course, let's dance "The Nutcracker" and believe that there's a special present waiting, just for you, coming all the way from the Gnawth Pole.
Oh, so maybe you're not a believer? If you cannot possibly see royalty in a face such as this one - on a furry Floridian named King Hammy - then Ye of Little Faith may be doomed to a life without Reveling in Rodents.

And revel we must in this glorious season: The gift of Squirrel Appreciation Day was bestowed upon the world some years ago by a wildlife rehabilitator from North Carolina, and once its wrapping came undone, its charms and its customs spread quickly.
Forget the offerings of frankincense and myrrh. Walnuts and filberts are where it's at. Besides, Squirrel Appreciation Day ushers in the holy season that concludes early next month with Groundhog Day.
So may your days be merry and bright, and may your day be a beautiful shade of grey.
And remember: Only 364 shopping days until Squirrel Appreciation Day 2011.
What a joyous occasion, indeed! Nuts all 'round!
Hehe.... what a great idea! And does Santa claws bring gifts of nuts to all the squirrels of the world?
Happy Squirrel Day! And isn't the other big one coming up next week? GH Day?
Ah yes, we are already prepping for the festivities. GH Day is big! (And in the West, it is now Prairie Dog Day)
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