11 February 2008

Let's talk politics

The presidential election just got way too squirrelly for me.

A Wall Street Journal article about GOP candidate Mike Huckabee - already not the favorite on my list - recaps a recent TV interview Huckabee had with journalist Tim Russert. The interview concluded with a query about the now-famous "squirrel-eating episode" that capped Huckabee's collegiate days.

Here's an excerpt from the WSJ article:

Was it true, he asked the Republican contender, that he had fried squirrel in a popcorn popper in college? Mr. Huckabee confirmed his prior squirrel consumption but appeared to back away from defending the flavor. “It’s not the best thing in the world,” and doesn’t really taste like chicken, he conceded.

I realize there are regional and cultural differences in this world, even in this nation, when it comes to our choices for ingestion, and I also realize I'm at a disadvantage here as a vegetarian - but I also believe it's a big world and people have free choice.

But why in the 20th century with supermarkets, farm stands and the like would a presumably civilized person do this - with a popcorn popper no less?

I suppose we should be grateful he is in a political career and didn't pursue a culinary one. If he had morphed into the male Martha Stewart or Rachael Ray a lot of us would have had to head for the hills.

Still, I don't know what is in worse taste - the way he felt about squirrel or the way I feel about his candidacy.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the squirrel was a democrat.

squirrelmama said...

Now that, justanotherterp, is an intriguing possibility I had not considered. It was allegedly an eastern gray, which might suggest it was a Democrat or even a wildly Liberal squirrel. Had the squirrel been a red, of course, the partisan nature of the critter might have been completely different.

Anonymous said...

Let's keep Huckabee away from squirrels!

squirrelmama said...

Kat, I am impressed with your devotion as well as your skill at preparing Haute Cuisine Rodentia! I think you will soon be a squirrelmama yourself!

squirrelmama said...

Kat, there is a certificate awaiting you, just tell me how I can upload it for you! I think you will want to display it proudly. I'm jealous of your Exeter jaunt, I will have to deputize you as "traveling correspondent" filing reports for the greyandred.blogspot site. By the way, there is a marvelous fellow named Ric Wallace who is the White Squirrel Guru of Exeter, would you like an e-mail or web site for contacting him? Might make things more fun for you.

squirrelmama said...

Kat, you can contact Ric at http://www.whitesquirrels.ca/

that is his web site for the white squirrels of exeter.

I did send a certificate last evening, I think it was to this e-mail address......check your inbox. If not I can re-send!

Damama T said...

While I'm not a Huck fan either, I will defend to the death his right to be a young, stupid, male college student who, at the time, probably had his head firmly implanted in the wrong part of his anatomy... as do most young, stupid, male college (or not) students! LOL!

I get irritated with the media for making such a big deal out of stuff that, for any other person in the country, would be considered just a stupid college prank. Must have been a slow news day! LOL!